Those who have stopped by the blog have been used to seeing installments of the Arrowverse "Other World" on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, my schedule this week didn't permit me to get the next chapter completed.
Late May is a time of the year that gets busy for me -- and not only do I have a number of events that require greater devotion to my work schedule, but I have my new release coming out in less than a week!

On top of that, I have another project I've been working on -- a new website!
The website will be at I'm in the final stages of putting it together and plan to launch it by June 2 -- and that's also when I plan to hold the launch party for my newest release, Six Pack: Gyration.
Why wait that long until the launch party? First of all, Tuesdays are not a good day for me to do the launch party because that's when I have the busiest day of the week at my newspaper -- we put together the weekly edition that day and I need to concentrate on that. Then the next few days will be busy with events to cover, then comes Memorial Day weekend.
Yeah, this is what I call bad timing!
But what the delayed launch party allows me to do is focus better on what I have planned, plus reveal the new website to everyone. I will also talk more about my planned appearance at Smallville ComicCon June 23-24 and there will be giveaways, too.
I'll be talking more about the details of the launch party and what all will be planned for the website in the days to come. In the meantime, I can tell you that this blog will be semi-active, though I may use it more for thoughts related to subjects that have nothing to do with my writing and comic book geekery. The website will become devoted to those subjects -- and, yes, I plan to keep a weekly update going there.
The last weekly posts here will be the rest of the Young Justice Season One episode reviews (six more to go) and, with any luck, the 13th chapter of the Arrowverse "Other World." After that, those will be posted on the new site and posts at this blog will be less frequent.
I appreciate everyone who has stopped by and supported me -- and in the meantime, if you haven't already done so, be sure to check out the first book in the Six Pack Series, available on
Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.